Contact us

For more information and price quotes please contact us as below

Leif Nielsen & Ian Charles.

Life-Bed is invented by Leif Nielsen (to the right) and Ian Charles (to the left). The headoffice is located in Vordingborg, Denmark. Our production facilities are in Copenhagen.
Leif is danish and speaks danish, english and some german. Ian is welsh (UK) and speaks only english.

Company contact details are:

Charles Nielsen Enterprise ApS
Maltvej 4, Nyraad
DK-4760 Vordingborg, Denmark
Phone +45 40 11 70 80

LifeBed mission

The reason we stay loyal to brands is because of their values. The best brands strive to combine physical, emotional, and logical elements into one exceptional customer (and employee) experience that you value as much as they do. Nowhere are those values more visible than in the company’s mission statement.
